
Some Favorite D70 Shots Spring 2024

Over the spring and into the summer of this year, I took lots of photos with a Nikon D70. When I wrote about this in April I was trying to decide

  1. if I could take better photos with the D70 than I could with my smartphone, and
  2. if I was interested enough in photography to invest more deeply in it as a hobby.

Over the course of the spring and summer, my skill with the camera improved somewhat and I became more confident that, in favorable circumstances (outdoor light, scenarios where focusing wasn’t too fussy, etc.) I could indeed take better photos with my D70. I found that I most enjoyed taking photos of people, especially family and friends. These were the most fun and meaningful for me and they were subjects of whom I couldn’t just search the internet for photos – unlike, e.g., the St. Louis Arch, where I could take some nice photos, but they would be photos many people had taken before.

I’ve decided I like taking pictures. I wasn’t prepared to buy a brand new camera which would cost over $1,000 at this point, but I invested in a used Nikon D750 – upgrading from a camera that’s twenty years old to one that’s a mere ten years old. Despite its age, it’s still well-regarded, and I can use the lenses I already have rather than investing in new ones¹. It also features a full-frame sensor, which I understand is better for low-light scenes – one of my major beefs with the D70.

Sometime soon I’ll be setting up a place where I can share more of the photos from my D70 as well as the new photos from my D750. Until then, here’s a few of my favorites from the D70. In looking back over them I can see the limitations both of the camera and my skill. Focus is fuzzy in places, some are poorly exposed, poorly composed, or grainy. Nevertheless, I like each of these photos for one reason or another.

A close up of a 30-something white man wearing round orange sunglasses, a dark puffy jacket, and a cap with the brim tilted upward. He's smiling and his tongue is sticking out slightly, cheekily. In his sunglasses the reflection of the photographer can be seen, with a camera obscuring his face.
John, Oberlin OH, April 2024
Close up portrait of a 30-something white man taken from slightly below. Behind him the sky is blue. A shadow crosses his blue knit sweater dramatically.
Matthew, Oberlin OH, April 2024
A crowd of people holding strands of colored ribbon attached to something high up off to the left of the frame. In the center of the frame a blonde woman in a colorful floral dress and purple jacket holds a green ribbon.
Emma and the maypole on May Day, Boston, May 2024
A close up a wooden board with dark circles engraved on it in a grid pattern. There are colorful plastic tokens on it labeled things like "L3," "R3," "L2," and "R2." The focus is very shallow. There's an index card with writing in the background but it's too blurry to make out.
Working through some contra choreography on Amtrak, May 2024
An older white man wearing a newsy cap, white and brown fleece, and black puffy jacket. He's looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression on his face. The background looks like a subway train.
Dad, NYC Subway, May 2024
An older white woman with red hair and an older white man, side by side, with their heads inclined together. They're posing for the camera and smiling slightly.
Dad and Aunt Holly, NYC, May 2024
An older white woman with folded paper crane earings, a dark gray cardigan, and a red floral shirt. She's looking off to the right and smiling.
Aunt Holly, NYC, May 2024
A green sky with white dotty stars hovers over the silhouette of the roof of a house and a couple trees. In the green sky some shimmering striations are vaguely visible.
Aurora Borealis outside my window, Somerville MA, May 2024
A smiling brunette white woman with glasses in her early 30s holding a small grinning blonde child who has only two lower teeth in the center of her mouth. The woman is putting a blue shoe on the child. Behind them is the blue and brown structure of a playground.
Ruthie and Josephine on Mother's Day, Boston MA, May 2024
A small blonde child with a focused expression on her face crawling between two wide-spaced blue fences. In the background, behind the fence, is her mother, a smiling brunette woman looking at the camera.
Ruthie and Josephine on Mother's Day, Boston MA, May 2024
A small blonde child is crawling through a light brown play structure tunnel toward the camera. She's grinning and excited. Behind her, out of focus, her mother is reaching toward her and smiling.
Ruthie and Josephine on Mother's Day, Boston MA, May 2024
A white bearded man is morris dancing in kit. He's wearing a white shirt with red and yellow ribbons around his elbows. He has a green felt X across his chest with patches and buttons on it. He's mid-action, a white hankie in his hand arcing upward into the air. Behind him, back to us, is another man in similar garb, and behind them an out-of-focus city block.
Ian morris dancing, Davis Square, Somerville MA, May 2024
View from below of a dark green suspension bridge, cables and tower forming vertical lines crossed by the diagonal line of the deck seen from below.
Manhattan Bridge, NYC, June 2024
A photo shot amidst an array of mirrors. Green foliage is visible in the background. In the mirror directly facing the camera is the photographer, an Asian man, with long dark hair and a black shirt, deep in focus, face behind his Nikon camera. Behind him, with her arm around him, is a white woman with long blonde hair and a red dress in sunglasses and throwing up a peace sign.
Mirror self-portrait with Shane, Brooklyn Bridge Park, NYC, June 2024
A young blonde woman in glasses and a black shirt with a greenish suspension bridge behind her.
Grace, NYC, June 2024
A man, intently working on a fiddle with no strings or bridge. In his other hand he's holding a bottle with a needlepoint cap. Behind him two young girls and their father look on with interest.
Matthew at work, Arco Art, Oswego NY, June 2024
A 30-something Asian man with long hair against a distressed gray painted exterior wall. In the foreground, green brush is visible.
Experimenting with self-portraiture and sullen faces, Martinsville IL, July 2024
  1. Though, in the event, I did impulse-buy a couple that do things my existing lenses don’t. ↩︎

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